Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Eye Beheld

In the eye of the needle
Is where the soul rests
But for a moment
As it passes through 
On the camel's back
It is less of an incline
Than climbing Mount Everest
The ride
Was not clear from the start
It seemed a simple task
A ride to the market and back
But oh, the ride 
Continued on
On into eternity 
It seemed to take one turn
Then another
But then straight 
It went again
All the riches
Fell at the sides
As the camel started 
To limp
The riches of poverty
Overcame the soul
And the truth 
Was made more clear
In the Oasis
In the mirage
The mirage
Was actually there
It was no mirage at all
For the eye of the needle
Was in the eye of the beholder
And you were beloved
All along

Monday, January 2, 2017

The Sigh

The sigh
The weight of the world
Is hurled on shoulders
So steep
It slides right off 
Crashing down
Up on the rooftops
The chimney sweeps
Hard at work
The ash is falling
Like burnt snow
In the land of time
Illusions are not darkness
But darkness is
The illusion
So much
That it is often forgotten
That light is needed 
For shadows
To even exits
Darkness is not alone
It holds up a fancy
Charade of self
All alone
As though nothingness exists
Nothing cannot exist
Because even the mention 
Of nothing
Is only is relation to something
Turning back
Moving forward 
In the Stillness
For some reason
The illusions are sometime
In focus
More than the truth
More that what is actually
Set before us. 
The sigh
Is present
Is it relief?
Tall trees
Have known bended knees
Have known and weathered 
Many storms
Tall trees
Have heard all the words
Caught all the whispers
And attended 
To many
The care
The sigh
Is in the wind
In the Spirit
And look up
Not down