Sunday, April 28, 2013

Dull Stained Glasses

Dull stains on the glasses
Of the man who woke up one day too early
For his lunch date
Of a century
The perfect opportunity to have an extra moment
 In time
Showed up too early
For his guest
Did not even realize
And now has to think twice before he speaks
The words that once seemed appropriate
And now just did not suit the times
The times are changing
And he too has realized that life is different
Than it had been yesterday
The interactions in the forest
Were no different than in the city
And this differed, because in the past it would have mattered
Matter of fact never spoke so precisely before
Fact of life never took authority until now
That the way life is
Is unpredictable
And he became comfortable with that
With not knowing what would happen next
The man woke up ten thousand years later
And suddenly saw things for the first time
Even with the massive curve ball
Of more than a moment being past
The realization that life is not what it seems
And even then it is still a blessing
Life is amazing, even when it does not feel that way
Present not only in the process, but also
In the opening of each moment
In time
He often looked for the opportunity to love a little more
To be a little more
Especially when others were not looking
How lovely to love
How spacious is the room that you fill with love
Does it have any space?
He took the time to make space and in return
He was given more of a place to make a home
In love
Not perfection, but unveiling of layers
Of intention
Of making an effort to be
To just be
In that being
To just love
Is a type of perfection that exists
That is beautiful
And revealed within
An unrevealed state
Of beauty in love in both state and existence.
To even close your eyes is a moment past
But the closing of his eyes was intentional
Even in that moment of closing
The darkness was opened and
Rolling away the stone
From the opening of the dark tomb
Brought to light a new darkness
That had never existed before
A darkness that was no longer true darkness
But light within the darkness
Without light shadows do not exist
You could not place a shadow over his parade
As he was a thankful soul
That could not be intimidated
Into thinking life was any less than it is
In its fantastical state
Even in the so called mundane
There is precious

There is precious
Even when we do not know it
Even when it is not felt
All are precious
In HIS sight
And we are marvelous in his eyes
Don’t be late for this date
And if you are late, you will still be loved
As you are
In the state of time that exists
Because time does not matter
The way we think
It all makes sense elsewhere
And we are along for the ride
Within and without our understanding