Monday, October 10, 2016

Thankful for Grandpa

A wonderful man
Showed so much 
By his example
Of Love
For others
He passed down what he knew
The wind in the trees 
Will pass on his words
To the next generation
And so on and so forth
How does remembrance work?

Love is to remember
I heard this once before
Love is to remember 
And I will go there more and more
To that place of remembrance
I will remember the love
I will cherish
His voice
His stories
And I will pass them on
In love.

No one is perfect
But Love 
True love
From above
Sent down to us
Through HIS Son
Down to US
Is revealed
By people such as this
In the way he lived
In any part lacking
Is completed
And fulfilled
In the truth
And completeness
Of Our Lord

On this day of thanksgiving
I give thanks
For his love
And his presence
In my life
And in the life of those around me
Life is amazing,
How we are formed, 
How we are each unique
And I'm thankful for him
My grandpa
Thank you grandpa for being you!