Friday, January 24, 2014

Comfort for the Clay

Beauty exists,
even when we can't see it.

The Dove flies in and out,
and yet is everywhere present
filling the whole
of the brokenness.

There may be pieces
within the cup,
but in Love
they are intertwined again.

Sweet gifts
in the mud
sometimes taste of dirt,
but in that clay,
in the dust,
is where Breath,
in the Beginning
Made us alive.

 Can't help but quote,
"O death where is thy sting"?
"O hell where is thy victory?"
There is no sting,
Even in death,
Even in the deepest depths of the pit.

For ALL was risen,
In Him
Who was crucified.
HE went to the depths,
and brought Adam and Eve
Up and into healing,
and into hope.
HE meets us in the depths
of our suffering
and in our sorrow,
and the chains HAVE been broken.

The world will not make sense,
and most of the time
if there is some sense,
it is just there to fool us,
and add up all the more
to the disappointments of this life.

In this life
there is joy,
and in it too,
There is suffering.

The time has come,
to give it ALL
to The One who can carry it
for us.
This is the only way,
and this is the only place,
Where there is
NO more sickness or sorrow
or suffering.
And in any present suffering,
We are not alone.

There is the Comforter.
Everywhere present and filling
ALL things.
Do not fear the depths,
as even there, The Comforter
can Now be found.

In the conquering of death.
And there, only there.
In Him,
Lies our hope!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


What can land in your life?
Land is in your life
Protect the land
Protect your life
Protect life

Hate has no place and cannot land
It can only spread
It spreads like a nasty virus
But never lands completely on one surface
It only pollutes the land
We are trying to protect
With our very hearts, souls and minds
Combined it can be a source of frustration
Or if you meet The Source, you may find He leads
To restoration of the way it was in the beginning
Or at least close

What can land in your life?
Land is in your life
Land is life

Water too is essential
To life
and it fills my soul
in combination it makes us whole
Holy mystery of Love

Love can land
Protect the land
Protect your life
Protect life

Where lies or focus?
Ponder upon these things that are good
Love can land
Hate cannot land
And although it can spread
If Love can land AND it can spread
How much more valuable that it can actually settle
And grow

Till the soil
Till the land
The sun and the rain and the endless gifts
So that the truth can land
In the stories of our hearts
And we can add purity of thought and mind
No judgement can exist
Where there is true love
The source is the rock

Heartily we laugh
We are sometimes unaware of what to do
How to help and sustain what we’ve been given on this earth
The beginning was a long time ago
The beginning knows no end
And the end knows no beginning
They are from age to age
And we cannot fully comprehend
Although we can be inspired and taste of Love
And be sowers of Love
Tastebuds may change with time
Even though the flavour is still the same
So we cannot focus on the land going back to the beginning’s end
But rather a new beginning within a beginning
To no end
To do one’s best
And to truly measure that
Is one increment
In this moment of life that we are given
that can be used

Even if we live 100 years
it is but a speck
in the grand scheme of time
To be blessed is to be able to do something
Within that speck of time we are given,
As it is a gift
A true gift